Equity Investment Credo
We have a set of core beliefs. Our Philosophy is consistent and does not vary Equity Investment Credo The Philadelphia Trust Company helps clients manage their assets in difficult as well as favorable market environments, through strict adherence to a growth at a reasonable price discipline. We hold stocks across all capitalization ranges; small, mid, and large cap as well as all industry groups. The basic requirement of our style is that the price we pay for securities in terms of price earnings ratios be justified by the current or prospective earnings growth rates. Appreciation potential is considered wherever it occurs. We are not adverse to profit taking or to situation trading. Given this dynamic the model portfolio changes from time to time enabling us to constantly focus on those situations that will produce the best returns for any given holding periods or market environment.
A sound investment process begins with a commitment to long-term growth. The markets increased volatility requires restraint and patience for a given investment discipline to work. A 3 to 5-year minimum time period is required before investors can begin to see the benefits of our commitment. We seek to procure investments that have demonstrated a historic or potential pattern of earnings growth and a reasonable price, given market conditions.

- Demonstrate patterns of sales and earnings growth that can be exploited by the current price.
- Exhibit leadership within their industries.
- High quality management.
- Are listed on an American exchange.